23 April 2011

Archie's First Walk

Archie has had a busy two days, on Monday the sound of the bagpipes came drifting across the garden so Archie and Lesley went to investigate. A funeral was being held at the Church so Archie listened to his first pipe tune and saw his first kilted man. Now Angus, despite his name, does not like the sound of the pipes but Archie seemed to enjoy them!

Tuesday was the first walk and little Archie took to the idea beautifully. He was so good on the lead and thoroughly enjoyed himself.

Yippee here we go!

OK, are we all ready to go.

A bit of sausage does help.

Bounce, bounce...

Just so good.

Now keep together chaps.

Oooh er, what's that?

Yes, I've got the hang of this now

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