15 March 2014

A Day at the Great Swiss Mountain Dog AGM

Kath had been invited to talk and give a demonstration at the Great Swiss Mountain Dog AGM in February 2013, however, heavy snow cancelled the meeting but the organisers Sheila Tickle and Cynthia Bailey re-arranged the "booking" for 2014's AGM.
Amber at the ready for showing Heelwork To Music to the "Swissie" owners.
After a short break after the AGM, Kath introduced the sport to those gathered.  TheSwiss Mountain dogs are so big but Kath soon showed the owners that even weaving through the handlers legs was quite possible.
She explained how teaching movements such as 360 degree turns and weaves would help keep these very heavy dogs supple and fit.
The handlers also found out that they need to stretch and turn too - not a sport for those not wanting to get involved with their dogs.
The temperament of the dogs was wonderful all calm and interacting very nicely.
All too soon the time was over.
Certificates of attendance signed and given out.
And a little more time to talk to each other since this was the AGM members had travelled quite some distance to attend.
Thank you to Cynthia and Sheila for the lovely meal and your hospitality to both Kath, David and her dogs.

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