10 February 2013

Happy First Birthday Dewy

Dewy (Brambledale Blue Dewy), 
The youngest member of Top Lodge Dancing Dogs,  was one year old on the 9th February 2013. He celebrated by dancing his first routine with his owner Lesley Neville, at a show on the same day as his Birthday and judging by the comments he received he did very well!

You can see his routine HERE


2 February 2013

Radio Derby and The Derby Telegraph back Karen and Kath

Radio Derby were interested to find out how Karen and Kath and their dogs Fly and Amber had done when competing in the Crufts Semi Finals last weekend.
Amber and Fly waiting to be called for the interview
They were invited to the Mid Morning Show with host Sally Pepper to talk about the competition and for their views on dog training in general.
The interview can be heard here on Listen again.  (At around 1 hour 17 minutes)

And The Derby Telegraph are also trying to help Karen and Kath find an area large enough to practice in.  Read the article here.

Time to relax after the interview.

Thank you Radio Derby and The Derby Telegraph for all the Good Luck wishes for the Heelwork To Music Final to be held on Friday 8th March at around 11:15 am at the NEC Arena.